Stella and Truus Foundation is an organization based in northern Malawi with its headquarters in the city of Mzuzu.
We develop and implement systematic development programs responding to challenges affecting children, women, youth and other vulnerable groups in the society.
This organization aimes at improving and empowering the vulnerable and marginalized people through different interventions aimed at improving access, inclusion and participation to quality education, health, livelihoods, child rights, environment and economic empowerment.
Dedicated to inspire and promote opportunities to all the vulnerable and marginalized groups in the society.
I. Respect for humanity
II. Integrity
III. Transparency and Accountability
IV. Impartiality
OUR Activities
School Blocks
Construction of School Blocks
A first project delivered sanitation to Ephangweni School. Four new school blocks have been constructed and
two other blocks were renovated at primary schools in Mzimba South district. The schools are Kavukula, Chamayembe and Kaswavipindi.
Solar Panels
Solar Panels for Primary Schools
After observing that learners could not conduct studies due to lack of reliable lighting sources,
Stella and Truus Foundation has installed solar panels in some rural primary schools.
Solar panels have been installed in 11 different primary schools in Mzimba south district.
Entrepreneurship Programs
Stella and Truus Foundation has been promoting and implementing different entrepreneurship programs.
In this way we succeeded to empower women, youth and disabled through knitting clubs, youth clubs and farm clubs.
New plans for personal healthy lifestyle workshops are initiated.
Reading Camps
Reading Camps in Rural Areas
Stella and Truus foundation has been forming children reading camps in rural areas by
establishing community libraries where children come and read different books.
This has resulted in establishment of community based early childhood development centers where children who are under school age are accommodated.
The children love the books that are richly illustrated.
Environmental Management
To address the challenges of Climatic change, Stella and Truss Foundation has been mobilizing and collaborating
with local communities to have woodlots and orchards to conserve the environment.
The foundation has been distributing seedlings to several schools, mother groups and youth clubs.
Also several environmental management workshops were held in different local communities.
Student Support
Support of needy students
Stella and Truus Foundation has been supporting needy students who are struggling to pay tuition and school boarding fees.
So far several students succesfully finished their schooling to become a teacher
and now they themselves are improving education in local schools.
Students from different colleges both from private and public have been benefiting.
Meet The Team
Stella Nyirenda spent most of her life as a school advisor. For more than ten years now, she cooperates with a small group of Dutch people that support schooling in the poorest regions of Malawi.
Stella has always been the inspiring and inexhaustable driving force in the support of primary schools in the rural area of the Mzimba district in Malawi.
In 2012 Truus Theelen, her husband Ruud Theelen, her sister Mieke Boonen and her friend Matthew Geelen visited Malawi.
They were touched by the most basic needs in the primary schools they visited with Stella, so they joined forces to meet some of these needs.
Ever since, Truus and her friends collected books, raised funds for Solar lights, sent student tuition fees and also provided several laptops and built this website.
The major rule and the starting point was: "We try to provide what is asked for".
Every project is evaluated and accounted for by providing Quotations, presenting bills and showing the results via pictures.
Click the arrows to see more team members
Stella Nyirenda
Chairperson/Executive Director
Driving force for the Stella and Truus Foundation also intermediary between schools and sponsors and coach empowering woman groups
Truus Theelen
Sr. Sponsor Partner
Schooling supervisor and advisor, teacher as well as coordinator of fundraising and booksupplies from the Netherlands of the Stella and Truus Foundation
Ruud Theelen
Husband of Truus and sponsor and fascilitator for the transportation and delivery of goods from the Netherlands to the Stella and Truus Foundation.
Matthew Geelen
Communication / IT
Communication and IT specialist, providing assistence in
Solar light projects, funding of laptops and maintenance of the Stella and Truus Foundation website.
Clara Kalambo
Administration Manager
Organises schedules and manages payroll and personnel
databases as well as Training of staff members.
Tylos Mandiwe
Programs Manager
In charge of operations, ensuring cohesive team management, program delivery, quality control and evaluation.
Sjra Hulsbosch/Mien Ansems
Sjra Hulsbosch and Mien Ansems have joined as major
supporters of education. Their generosity has resulted in
several new school blocks
Mathews Khonje
Finance manager
Distributes financial resources of the Foundation. Budget planning and financial advice to executive management.
Here some pictures of activities during our visit to Malawi.
Reading camp
Local distribution of books
Story telling
Happy at school
New Lavatories
Newly built Lavatories
School Libraries
EngLish books in Libraries
Sport Shirts
Team footbal clothing
Choir recordings
CD Israel Choir
Happy Children
Playng in the corn field
Clothing fabrication
Food Market
Sales of vegetables
Large classes
Children on the floor
Solar light
Evening schooling
Empowering woman
Strong African Woman
Supported Students
Stella and Truus Foundation has been supporting needy students who are struggling to pay tuition fees. Students from different colleges both from private and public have been benefiting.
"I am very happy that I will able to complete my study to become a teacher for primary schools. Many thanks to the foundation and Matthew Geelen making my dream come true."
" I’m coming from a community where it's very rare for a child to go to College.
Now I'm happy to finish my 4th University year in June 2023. The scholarship I received,
by the Foundation enabled less privileged students like me to reach their dreams."
"I am a student at St Luke College of Health Sciences doing Nursing and Midwife Technician.
I'm very grateful for the support through the foundation enabling my dream and passion to develop my nation through the services in the Hospital.
Linda Soko
"Growing up in a poverty stricken family made it hard for me to pursue a career. Thanks to the Foundation I was able to proceed my education to college level.
I'm a proud product of the scholarship and support of the Foundation.."
"Thanks to the support of the Foundation in particular Matthew Geelen, I now am a teacher at Primary School: My dream came true."
"I study environmental management at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture And Natural Resources.
I got a sponsorship via Stella Nyirenda, an auspicious opportunity bringing happiness in my life and family. Thanks to STELLA, TRUUS and RUUD."
"I am Mirriam Kalambo. I was a recipient of the academic scholarship from the foundation.
I am humbled by the generous and financial support rendered to me. May you continue supporting this foundation for its good deeds.."
School Block Construction
One of the new school block constructed by Stella and Truus Foundation
Four blocks have been constructed and other two blocks renovated among primary schools in Mzimba South district. The schools are Kavukula, Chamayembe and Kaswavipindi.
One of the new school block recently constructed by Stella and Truus Foundation.
The construction of school blocks is a very expensive issue.
Every construction is started with a solid quotation, a construction plan and a plan to collect,
buy or fabricate the nessessary construction materials such as foundation, bricks, roofing and flooring.
The quotation is presented to sponsors by the Stella and Truus Foundation. Next sponsoring is started.
Generous people from the Netherlands donate or plan fund raising activities.
When the plan is approved, goods and funding are freed for the project.
Once the building is ready, a report is shared with the sponsors through the Stella and Truus Foundation, showing the total costs illustrated with pictures.
If you are interested to help us in this support, please check out the Contact Page. Sent us a message or mail us a letter with your ideas.
You can also donate to our bankaccount : details on the Contact Page.
Solar Panels for Schools
Installation of Solar Panels in Primary Schools
Here a picture of the arrival of solar goods.
Stella and Truus foundation has been installing 11 solar panels in 11 rural primary schools
This enables children to study in the evening hours with LED lights instead of kerosine lights.
Electricity is unreliable and not available in many rural Primary Schools. A wired connection to the grid is very expensive.
The Stella and Truus Foundation has delivered Solar Panels with Batteries, Charge Electronics, Wiring and LED lights. During the day the Panels collect sunlight and charge the Battery.
In the evening laptops can be charged and classrooms can be lit by power efficient LED lamps. This eliminates the use of Kerosine Lights, that produce toxic fumes.
Knitting Groups
Stella and Truus Foundation has been promoting and implementing different
entrepreneurship programs meant to empower women, youth and disabled through knitting clubs,
youth clubs and farm clubs. Here a group of woman knitting bags, creating beautiful products and creating strong bonds with each other
Stella and Truus Foundation has been promoting and implementing different
entrepreneurship programs meant to empower women, youth and disabled through knitting clubs,
youth clubs and farm clubs. The picture shows a woman who is proud to make fantastic bags and feels strong because of her independence..
Reading Camps
In rural areas we establish community libraries where children come and read books.
This results in early childhood development centers where under school age children are accommodated.
Personal development and communication is strongly based on being able to read and write.
Reading Camps in Rural Areas are a big step for young children.
They not only learn how to read but it connects them to knowledge and skills,
they would not find in their own environment.
It stimulates their natural curiosity and sense of personal growth.
In the adult life being able to read and write is a great asset, it connects people. Books are also an important part of the local culture.
Environmental Management
As humans we need awareness to leave a healthy environment to our children and grandchildren.
To address the challenges of Climatic change, we mobilize and collaborate with local communities.
To address the challenges of Climatic change, Stella and Truus Foundation has been mobilizing and collaborating with local communities to have woodlots and orchards so that conserve the environment. The foundation has been distributing seedlings to different schools,
mother groups and youth clubs. In additional, different environmental management training has been conducted among different local communities.
Needy Students Program
Stella and Truus Foundation has been supporting needy students who are struggling to pay tuition fees. Students from different colleges both from private and public have been benefiting.
The Stella and Truus Foundation sipports needy students, that are talented but financialy incapable to pay tuition and lodging fees.
Read the Students Tab of this website to hear about their experiences.
If you are interested to help us in this support, please check out the Contact Page. Sent us a message or mail us a letter with your ideas.
You can also donate to our bankaccount : details on the Contact Page.
Contact Us
If you are interested to participate or contribute please contact us
Stella-and-Truus Foundation
The Chairperson Stella and Truus Foundation
P.O. Box 259 Mzuzu